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"I need postpartum support."

The first three months of your child’s life are called “the fourth trimester” for a reason; most parents find this the most challenging part of parenthood. It is also one of the most beautiful with the full range of emotions as you get to know your child.


The fourth trimester can be hard. It doesn't have to be.

Now is the time to start envisioning and planning the life that awaits you on the other side of childbirth, whether that’s on its way or you’re swimming in the postpartum waters. A lot of the anxiety of the postpartum experience can be eliminated by knowing what to expect, hearing that your struggles are totally normal, and giving yourself an opportunity to feel seen, heard, and nurtured.

Whether you’re struggling with postpartum now or simply want to prepare to make this time as easy as possible, working with me is an invaluable investment in saving your time, money, and sanity as a new parent.


How come postpartum is so hard?

If it's your first child, there's a learning curve. If it's not your first, you have to continue caring for your other child (or children!) while recovering from birth yourself and bonding with your new baby. Even if you had an easy birth, an abundance of rest is necessary for your body to recover...and you may have heard that new babies and sleep don't always go together.


More than the logistics of new baby care, there's the shift in identity. If it's not something you've been preparing for, it can take you by surprise. Coupled with the hormonal shifts that lead to postpartum tenderness and oftentimes depression, it's easy to feel like you've lost yourself in the process.

If you're in the midst of this right now, or simply want to prepare for your postpartum time to feel nourishing and bonding for your whole family, you're in the right place.


I’ll address all parts of the postpartum process, including the best recommendations of caring for your new baby, and help you feel good about the transition into your new identity of “parent.”


My Holistic Approach

One year or more ahead of the time you’re giving birth isn’t too early to start preparing for life after its arrival. Give yourself the gift of time to be fully prepared for this important life experience. And if the baby is already here? It’s not too late! I will help you troubleshoot and find solutions, even if you’re in the middle of chaos.



Managing your energy is more crucial than ever as you adjust to life with baby. We’ll create a plan to engage in the best plan for rest, exercise, and nutrition to lead you into a state of vibrant health. What are you ready to change to bring that optimal level of health to your life so that you can feel energetic and supported to show up fully in your new life as a parent?



We’ll look at your relationship with the parent/child dynamic and examine your beliefs of what it is to be a parent, what your own experiences were, what you want to carry forward, and what you want to let go of. We’ll explore your current relationships, especially with your partner if you have one, and how to bring a higher level of emotional intelligence to your relationships and communication.



In this phase, you’ll start building your knowledge about postpartum care. Learn about these ahead of time so it’s not a crash course that you’re trying to cram in while you’re exhausted and overwhelmed. If you’re already there, get peace of mind and release anxiety over alllllll the options available to you. I’ll teach you best practices so you can parent with confidence.



Our sessions will help you make the commitment to this being a conscious process. You are opening the door for another soul to come in and share this bond and contract with you in this life. I’ll support you in doing the deeper work of defining, “Who do I want to be? How do I want to show up? What are the qualities I want to embody?” and then consciously bringing those things forward into your life.

Why you should work with me
(aka. my cred)

After two decades of experience in childbirth preparation, empowerment, and support (click here to see my full resume), I’m an expert in helping women and their partners consciously prepare for the birth of their child and the transition into parenthood.


I founded a leading maternity consumer advocacy organization that’s worked first-hand with thousands of parents to become fully informed and engaged in the process, so my recommendations are based on personal experience and my knowledge of the healthcare industry nationwide. I focus on each individual parent’s needs, not giving blanket suggestions that may or may not apply to your birth.

Beyond mere information, I'm a fierce champion of women. I know absolutely that women are capable of birthing babies, and every time a client looks into my eyes, she sees her own magnificence reflected back. No matter what your unique challenges may be, I believe unfailingly in the creative genius of the female body and power of women to thrive.

We’ll navigate your postpartum experience through a process that’s the result of my years of experience. This may be new to you, but I’ve BEEN there.


My Signature Process

Our first session together, the Conscious Creation Session, is two hours long so that we can chart the full landscape of your conception through a simple three-step process that I’ve been using for years in my doula and coaching practice.

We'll support your body, mind, soul, and heart for a holistic approach to birth that will leave you feel nourished, energized, and seen. We’ll address any fears you have about your life after the baby comes, how to navigate changes in your career, relationships, body, and identity so that you step forward with trust in yourself and a plan for creating your new life as a parent with joy.

Will I need to book more sessions?

Maybe! For some parents, our initial two-hour session will be enough to give you the clarity and information you need to feel confident, educated, and empowered to navigate your postpartum experience. Most clients choose to book two sessions before birth and at least one postpartum for the most robust support, and we can discuss what number of future sessions might be the most supportive for your needs, values, and budget. My goal is help you determine the exact support you need both from myself and from the rest of your birth team, and I will work with you to make sure you receive what you need.


Baby Care

We’ll dive into both the practice logistics of caring for an infant during your first three months and beyond. What changes is your baby going through during the first 40 days, and how can you support them? How can you communicate with your baby before they start to speak? How can you use worries over doing something wrong to redirect your attention on all you’re doing right? What issues can you handle at home and when is it time to call your doctor or midwife?



One of the hardest parts of postpartum is the way that caring for your infant can make caring for yourself your last priority during the time when your body needs support them most. What changes in your body are normal, and what is cause for concern? How can you balance life’s demands with caring for the baby, especially if you have other children? What self-care do you need to prioritize in order to show up as the parent you want to be?


Your New Identity

We’ll do the inner work of transitioning into parenthood and determining who you choose to be in this next phase of your life. What fears are coming up and how can you use them as valuable indicators of your truest desires? How can you navigate changes in your career, relationships, and body? How can you navigate the intense emotions, feelings of isolation, and your shifting identity during this time with grace, love, and creative power?

Should I bring my partner?

One Word: Yes!

Yes! If you're raising your child with a partner, they are a welcome and encouraged part of our process. It's important for both parents to consciously choose how they want to show up for themselves, for your child, and for each other.


I will help you identify family dynamics, patterns and stories that you each value and want to carry forward as well as those that you're ready to release. What are the greatest gifts that you received from your own parents that you want to share with your child? What parenting challenges did your parents have and what different choices would you like to make? What stories have you inherited that make you proud of your lineage? What stories are harmful and will end with you now?


You'll leave your sessions with a deeper, truer understanding of what each of you desires and expects. Together, you'll create a shared vision for birthing and parenting that will help you enter this life transition as a team, aware of the challenges and strengths that each of you bring. You'll develop a shared Vision Statement for birth and parenting - your shared vision, goals and understandings that will help guide you through your child's entire life.


Trusted by New and Expectant Parents
Since 2000 

Step Into Motherhood

“Élan helped me stand my ground as a woman with choices, do my own research, shed my single self, and step into motherhood.״ 

Kelly M. Renn

Atlantic City, NJ

Empowered and Committed

“I left feeling empowered and committed to having the birth I wanted. Élan's wealth of knowledge opened doors for us.״ 

Carey Anderson

New York, NY

Nothing short of a miracle.

“Working with Élan before, during, and after my birth was nothing short of a miracle. She was an angel by my side.״ 

Jacquelyn Karnes

Portland, OR

How It Works

To determine if coaching with me is a good fit, you can book a free 15-minute consultation to connect and answer any questions you may have about the session before booking.

From there, you can book a Deep Dive Intensive Session, a two-hour session for $188 that will give you a comprehensive plan for your postpartum time. After this initial session, you may have everything you need, or you can book sessions for further support depending on your needs, desires, and budget. 

Your $188 investment for our initial Deep Dive Intensive Session includes:

Filling Out a Form

In-Depth Intake Form

In-depth intake form to start moving you towards clarity and to help me optimize our time together and make personalized referrals based on your location

Sign Language

2-Hour Session

One 2-hour video or in-person coaching session packed full of information, tools, and insights to help you navigate your options and make informed choices that are right for you

Woman on Computer

Follow-Up Email

Follow up email with next steps, recommendations, and resources curated just for you, based on my 20+ years of experience in the birth industry

You'll leave breathing a sigh of relief.

You’ll feel seen, comforted, and held with confidence in moving forward with your plans for your pregnancy and birth. You’ll feel good knowing you’ve invested your time and money in support with the greatest relevance and value to you. In short, working with me is an investment in the birth of your child and your life as a parent.

If you wish to continue working together after our Deep Dive Intensive, I offer packages of one-hour sessions: $333 for three sessions and $622 for six. I can also make a bespoke package or monthly agreement that suits your need for ongoing coaching and support.

If this sounds like what you need to feel supported and empowered through postpartum and beyond, I’d love to work with you.

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